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1Touch™ Self Defense Project

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1Touch™ Certified Coaches

Stephen Nicholls – United States

Stephen Nicholls Profile pic Professor Nicholls began his training in the Kodenkan Danzan Ryu system of Ju-Jitsu in 1980 under Professor Kufferath. He is an established instructor in London and holds a professional trainer certification with the CIEH. After being invited to teach a self-defense workshop at British Guide Dogs, Stephen came to the realization that their needed to be a comprehensive curriculum for the blind, a platform for distribution and continued development. Mr. Nicholls has since risen to this challenge and continues to teach, promote and certify instructors throughout his extensive travels.

Umit TurkesevUmit Turkesev – United Kingdom

Umit is a remarkable individual and an inspiration to us all. Mr. Turkesev was present at the first workshop Professor Nicholls provided to the blind and was from then on at the ground floor of the development and refinement to follow. He became the first Certified Coach and has gone on to present locally, as well as abroad at various prestigious conferences and organizations

Katrina-Traut-SavinoKatrena Traut-Savino – Massachusetts

I have worked in the field of blindness and visual impairment for 33 years as a Teacher of Children with Visual Impairments (TVI) and Orientation and Mobility Specialist. I became involved in the 1Touch™ Program because I felt I needed to do more to help my students become independent and safe travelers. Even short-term training of 1 Touch techniques results in increased confidence, heightened safety awareness, and a sense of empowerment. I am available to instruct people of all ages however, my focus is on teaching children ages 14+.

Tim Traut-SavinoTim Traut-Savino – Massachusetts

Tim has been a 1Touch™ Coach since July, 2012. Tim is a dually licensed Teacher of the Visually Impaired / Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) and has worked with school aged visually impaired children in Massachusetts for 33 years. Tim is currently working in Special Education Administration as a Student Services Coordinator for Attleboro Public Schools. Together with his wife Katrena, plans are underway to offer a 1Touch™ Course to middle and high school aged visually impaired students in the spring, 2014.

Brando Collins – North Carolina

Brando Collins is a self-defense instructor and Martial Arts teacher from Chicago IL, currently teaching in North Carolina. He met Professor Nicholls in December of 2013 and was certified in May of 2014. Brando's background includes Freestyle Ninja Fighting, Judo, Ninjutsu, Jujutsu, Manabimasho, Gendai Goshen Jitsu, and Hapkido. He is an extremely driven person who wants to put the capabilities of 1Touch™ in as many hands as possible.

"In this exciting, thrilling yet changing and dangerous world we live in, a system like 1Touch™ is needed to ensure that blind people and other venerable members of society have a means of protecting themselves against anyone that will do them physical harm. It's a RIGHT, and I am more than happy to assist the Professor and the rest of this organization in equipping people with the capability of defending themselves and their families."

Chuck Geiger

Chuck Geiger – Ohio

Chuck’s vocational passion is providing job placement services with individuals who are blind or visually impaired at Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. His recreational passion is martial arts training and instructing. Chuck attended Stephen’s workshops at the 2016 National Albinism Conference. Chuck soon realized that he was now able to combine his two passions and provide self-defense instruction with his coworkers and community partners utilizing the 1 Touch Project™ curriculum. Chuck became a Certified Coach in 2017.

William Tubilleja – North Carolina

William Tubilleja is a teacher for the visually Impaired, and an Orientation Mobility Specialist with the state of NC Division of Services for the Blind in Raleigh, NC. He has a background in Tae Kwon Do, earning a black belt in 1996. William, along with fellow certified 1Touch™ Coach Cheryl Bitting, provide 1Touch™ instruction to rehabilitation clients and students throughout the year, and during summer programs for youth in transition.

William provides 1Touch™ instruction and informational presentations in North Carolina as well as neighboring States. William is always looking for opportunities to spread the importance of 1Touch™ instruction as an effective self-defense protocol for those experiencing vision impairment and other disabling conditions. William believes that anyone with a disability can benefit from 1Touch™, and he strives to make that a reality.

William Tubilleja Adele Greenfield

Adele Greenfield  – North Carolina

Power is not determined by physical strength or what challenges we may or may not face, but how empowered we feel. Trained in psychology, I teach 1Touch™ for safety and also to boost confidence. Working with both sighted and vision-impaired people of all ages, I coach privately and in groups.

Classes and role-play scenarios are tailored to the students’ ages, interests, visual or mobility issues, and the physical setting. Programs for kids, teachers, healthcare workers, or families are different, even with identical techniques. To add fun and variety as well as improve muscle memory and attention span (great for children and teens), we may incorporate:

– Mental/emotional skills like stress management, mental rehearsal, and imagination or visualization if and when appropriate.

– Self-defense footwork and hands turned into simple dance moves set to music (using verbal cues).

John Allen

Stephen Nicholls
Serena Olson

George McDermith

Judy Mathews
Christopher Sacca
Brenda Cintron
Catherine Rodgers
Lauren Brooks

Ivan Watkins
Karissa Bedi
Dennis Darnes
George Freeman

Lori Trujillo-Roush

Howard Wilson
Jim Turk
Brandon Collins
Rachael Eschbach

Ryan McCary

Andrew Furjanic
Mark Smith

Gary Garn
Steve Wynn

Roger Crome

Jeff Altman

New Jersey
Hilton Santiago

North Carolina
Cheryl Bitting
Wynita Taylor
William Graham
Adele Greenfield
Thomas Neal
Clarence Perkins
William Tubilleja

Wilbert Turner
Annette Jakse
Antonio Dobyne
Jenica Cole
Ben Flecha

Holly Abott
Maureen Reggie

Anthony Riley
Su Park

Annette Carr
Marilee Kenlon

1Touch™ Project is a registered vendor of the Federal Government.

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